We believe that art has the power to improve the lives of those who experience it.
Our aim is to ensure that an artist’s research may reach and inspire the greatest possible number of people.
Treti Galaxie is an art project founded by Matteo Mottin and Ramona Ponzini. Its goal is to work with artists in a broad-based manner, respecting their ideas and projects, and helping them to produce and develop exhibitions in all-round terms.
For this reason it chooses not to have a fixed venue but to seek out a space each time which is best suited to the project it’s working on.
Since March 2016, Treti Galaxie develops a series of solo shows in which the artists dialogue with the hidden urban fabric of Turin, redesigning the use of historical sites of the city such as the Mole Antonelliana, the Royal Lounge of the Torino Porta Nuova Train Station, the Pastiss Underground Fortress and the Ex-MOI Arcades, and signing collaborations with the National Cinema Museum of Turin, Grandi Stazioni Rail, the Pietro Micca Civic Museum, Parcolimpico and Acer.
In 2020, it curates the project Endless Nostalghia, dedicated to the work of movie director Andrei Tarkovsky, among the winners of the Toscanaincontemporanea2020 grant.
In 2021, it’s co-curator of Supercondominio3 for Castello di Rivoli – Museo di Arte Contemporanea, and curator of Torino Social Impact Art Award, promoted by Artissima fair.
In 2022, it opens the exhibition season at NAM in Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence, with the solo exhibition “The Vernal Age of Miry Mirrors” by Michele Gabriele, reconfirms its collaboration with Artissima for the third edition of the TSI Art Award, and curates the VI edition of the Club GAMeC Prize. It collaborates with Artissima as curator of the third edition of the TSI Art Award and as editor of the Artissima Voice Over platform.
In 2023 it curates “Their Volumes – Works from the Cristella Collection”, whose catalogue is published by Postmedia Books, and “Bored Bones”, a solo show of Giuliana Rosso at The Address gallery, in Brescia.

Matteo Mottin – matteo@tretigalaxie.com
Ramona Ponzini – ramona@tretigalaxie.com